I sort of kinda neglected my weebly for a while. But now I'm back.
Only to post a random image XD
Yasu is made of win.
Both in front, and at the back ^_^

And about rl, although the interviewer told me that he'll schedule me for the job offer and that I just needed to wait for a couple of days for the call, I still haven't received anything >_< 

I talked to one of my friends who's currently working there and he said that it usually takes 1-2weeks for the call to be made. I'm getting impatient. My last day on my current job is on February 28, 2011. It's already the 24th. I have 4 more days left before I'm left jobless.

If HP won't call me 'till next week, then I have no other choice but to try a different company.
I can't live without a job.

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